IF.08 Teil 2
IF.08 Teil 2
Ran an die Umsetzung:
vertiefende Fachtagung
Radical Innovation for circular economy in cities and communities
7. September 2023, 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr
und Inhalt
Zentrale Fragen
• How can radical ideas for sustainable urban development be developed to attract viable innovations?
• What is the role of digitalization?
und Nutzen
Salome Berger
Scientific Assistant, Focus on Circular Economy Design, ZHAW; Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability
Prof. Vicente Carabias
Koordinator Plattform Smart Cities & Regions, ZHAW; Projektleiter Smart City und Nachhaltigkeit, Stadt Winterthur
Jean-Philippe Hagmann
Consultant, Speaker and Author for Radical Innovation, Agentur für radikale Innovation
Prof. Stephan Haller
Professor at the Institute of Public Sector Transformation (BFH); Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities
Marisa Kappeler-Schudel
Leiterin Smart City und Nachhaltigkeit, Stadt Winterthur
Prof. Dr. Joëlle Mastelic
HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association
What is more powerful than a good idea?
Jean-Philippe Hagmann - Consultant, Speaker and Author for Radical Innovation, Agentur für radikale Innovation Workshops [14:30]
Hands-on activity with Design Thinking Tools and Open Innovation Methods
with among others:
Prof. Stephan Haller - Professor at the Institute of Public Sector Transformation (BFH); Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities Prof. Dr. Joelle Mastelic - HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association Moderation
Salome Berger - Scientific Assistant, Focus on Circular Economy Design, ZHAW; Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability Closing and Wrap up [16:30]
Presentation of the workshop outputs
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Joelle Mastelic - HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association Moderation
Marisa Kappeler-Schudel - Head of Smart City and Sustainability, City of Winterthur Prof. Vicente Carabias - Koordinator Plattform Smart Cities & Regions, ZHAW; Smart City Verantwortlicher, Stadt Winterthur; Co-Präsident FutureCity Alliance