IF.08 Teil 2

Ran an die Umsetzung:
vertiefende Fachtagung

Radical Innovation for circular economy in cities and communities

7. September 2023, 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

ZHAW SM Gebäude Mäander Trakt C, Theaterstrasse 15c, 8400 Winterthur. Raum SM O2.24 + O2.29, 2. Stock

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Presenting Partner

und Inhalt

Our urban centers consume more than 75% of natural resources and are responsible for 50% of solid waste and up to 60% of all greenhouse gases. A modern and also sustainable urban design, needs new innovative system solutions incorporating the themes of Smart Cities and Circular Economy.

Zentrale Fragen

• How can the topics Circular Economy and Smart Cities benefit from each other in the field of urban development?
• How can radical ideas for sustainable urban development be developed to attract viable innovations?
• What is the role of digitalization?

und Nutzen

Representatives from business, politics, academia and NGOs come together to network and exchange ideas. Together with the experts of the Innosuisse Innovation boosters, they develop solutions to problems that need to be solved on the way to a circular smart city.



Salome Berger
Scientific Assistant, Focus on Circular Economy Design, ZHAW; Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability

Prof. Vicente Carabias
Koordinator Plattform Smart Cities & Regions, ZHAW; Projektleiter Smart City und Nachhaltigkeit, Stadt Winterthur

Jean-Philippe Hagmann
Consultant, Speaker and Author for Radical Innovation, Agentur für radikale Innovation

Prof. Stephan Haller
Professor at the Institute of Public Sector Transformation (BFH); Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities

Marisa Kappeler-Schudel
Leiterin Smart City und Nachhaltigkeit, Stadt Winterthur

Prof. Dr. Joëlle Mastelic
HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association


What is more powerful than a good idea?
Jean-Philippe Hagmann - Consultant, Speaker and Author for Radical Innovation, Agentur für radikale Innovation
Workshops [14:30]
Hands-on activity with Design Thinking Tools and Open Innovation Methods
with among others:
Prof. Stephan Haller - Professor at the Institute of Public Sector Transformation (BFH); Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities
Prof. Dr. Joelle Mastelic - HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association
Salome Berger - Scientific Assistant, Focus on Circular Economy Design, ZHAW; Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability
Closing and Wrap up [16:30]
Presentation of the workshop outputs
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Joelle Mastelic - HES-SO Valais-Wallis; President, Energy Living Lab Association
Marisa Kappeler-Schudel - Head of Smart City and Sustainability, City of Winterthur
Prof. Vicente Carabias - Koordinator Plattform Smart Cities & Regions, ZHAW; Smart City Verantwortlicher, Stadt Winterthur; Co-Präsident FutureCity Alliance
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